What are the Signs of Gall Bladder Problems?

The gall bladder is a relatively small, pear shaped organ that is located near the liver. The function it performs is basically the storing and release of bile into the lower intestine. This bile is then used by the human body to digest fats. An attack of gall bladder pain usually occurs due to a gall stone making its way down the biliary duct toward the small intestine. It can also be caused by a reversal of bile into the gall bladder, causing it to swell. An infected bladder could also become inflamed and cause an attack.

The most generic form of gallbladder disease is called biliary colic, of which the primary symptom is a steady, gripping pain in the upper right abdomen near the rib cage. The pain can be quite severe and even radiate to the upper back.

Other gallbladder symptoms include heartburn, chronic diarrhea, bloating and nausea, gas, the feeling of food not being fully digested, and headaches, usually on the right side of the head. In some cases, vomiting may also occur.

Indigestion is also possible, especially after eating fatty or greasy foods. Diet and nutrition, physical exercises are important factors when dealing with these symptoms. However, it is essential that you seek medical help at once, because gall bladder attacks can seriously damage your body.

answered by G M

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