Home remedies on vitiligo

Recently the white patches are developed on my lips corner. skin specialist confirm the vitiligo. Is there any home remedy to stop further spread

There are a number of remedies that you could use to treat vitiligo at home. First, to encourage the skin to begin re-pigmentation, you could take in some amounts of sunlight each day. Ensure that you do not overdo this because the white patches are very susceptible to sunburn and you could do serious damage to your skin. It would be best if you exposed yourself to the sun for one hour a little after the sunrise and a little before the sunset. Use lemna minor or wild duckweed to treat your vitiligio. You should mix one part of lemna minor with one part of honey and take this solution twice a day. You should also try rubbing fresh lemna juice on the white spots at least 3-4 times a day.

It is also highly recommended that you drink the extract of the St John's wort herb for at least 5 months because this herb increases your photosensitivity. You should also control your diet and ensure that you are eating a healthy and balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, pulses, and nuts. It is also very important that you get plenty of rest and try to avoid taking on any stress. Quitting both smoking and drinking and detoxifying your system is beneficial to curing vitiligio. Adding vitamin B complex and vitamin C to your diet can also be help you treat vitiligo. However, you should also seek the advice of your primary healthcare giver because vitiligo can be caused by a number of other disorders.

answered by G M

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