While passing stool I pass heavy blood, what could be the reason behind this? This does not happens regularly but once in 15 days.

Piles are also known as hemorrhoids and are caused by a swelling and inflammation of the nerves and veins that are present in the rectum and anus, by excessive strain placed on them. The most common cause of piles is sitting for elongated periods of time, while they could also be caused by retention of water in the body, leading to a strain on the bowels. Another common cause for hemorrhoids is the intense pressure placed on the veins of the rectum by obesity. Inflammation and pain caused by piles is accompanied by bleeding in severe cases.

Since piles are affected by the functioning of the bowels, it is best to first regulate movements of the bowels to avoid the occurrence of piles. A change in dietary habits by increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables will add fiber and roughage, leading to softening of the stools. This form of dietary change will settle piles in the initial stages. It is recommended that a lot of water be taken to clear the intestinal canal. Exercise plays a very important role in treating piles because physical activity calls for the use of the abdominal muscles, thereby improving the circulation of the flow of blood in the rectal muscles. A quick way to relieve pain caused by piles is to apply a little coconut oil around the affected area. This method does not provide a solution to the problem, but is only a means of temporary relief. An enema of wheat grass provides relief by detoxifying the walls of the intestines, where the piles are present.

Bleeding piles can be taken care of by the daily consumption of a glass of goat's milk, to which black mustard powder has been added. Adding a little honey to this concoction can help to sweeten it, and honey itself has excellent anti septic and anti microbial properties. Dry figs, when soaked overnight in a glass of water and taken the next day, along with the water in which they were soaked, is another well recommended means of treating piles. Inflammation and pain can be relieved by sitting in a tub of warm water to which Epsom salts have been added. Rock salt is another alternative to this remedy. For overweight people suffering from piles, it is advisable that a certain amount of exercise be undertaken daily to get rid of unwanted weight. Sitting for long periods of time should also be avoided.

answered by M W

The reason for your hemorrhoids causing bleeding in 15-day cycles is quite unclear; however, what can be said is that you are experiencing a bleeding that is a more serious situation, no matter what the period is.

Hemorrhoids are caused by the hemorrhoid tissue being inflamed and swollen, which causes bleeding and discomfort as well as blood loss. This condition usually corrects itself based on the grade of hemorrhoid that you have. The grading starts from a mild case that doesn't cause the hemorrhoid tissue to displace, to a case where the tissue is displaced on defecating but then reduces, to a case of displacement that requires manual replacement, and the final case in which even manual replacement cannot be done. Hemorrhoids occur because of constipative stress at the rectum causing the ejection and prolapse of the tissue outside the body. The best way to prevent this occurring and to correct your situation is to prevent constipation under all circumstances. This can be achieved by ensuring that there is adequate water intake in your diet and also a good intake of dietary fiber.

Dietary fiber can be acquired from the intake of plant fiber. This substance is basically the tough to digest portion of plants that ends up carrying water into the intestines and then aids the movement of stool out of the body. Sources of dietary fiber include whole-wheat products, legumes, prunes, plums, bran, and nuts, to name a few. Spend some time on the internet researching the various sources of dietary fiber and this can go a long way to ensure that bouts of bleeding as you describe do not recur. There is also much to be said about defecating in the squatting position as a preventative measure. This is because this position tends to ease the passage of stools by placing pressure of the body from the entire bowel section instead of placing stress on the rectum. All the treatments for hemorrhoids consist of destroying the hemorrhoid tissue by either cutting off the blood supply to the tissue or performing a surgical incision to remove the prolapsing tissue. Because the condition is associated with pain and swelling, the use of natural astringents like potato juice and aloe vera is known to give some relief to sufferers. Since the tissue that prolapses is an inflamed one, you can reduce this inflammation by applying a cold ice pack on the hemorrhoid that is out side you body and sleeping in a raised position with you legs and buttocks elevated, the hemorrhoid tissue can actually retract back into the anus.

answered by G M

Advice for Piles

You have not described your symptoms fully but your condition might either be the early symptoms of piles or the symptoms of severe constipation. Hence the first step to treating your condition is for you to consult with your doctor immediately and diagnose your condition correctly. Bleeding from the rectum can also occur if you are severely constipated because a hard and dry bowel movement can tear and damage the anal lining. To treat constipation, increase your water and fruit intake and decrease your consumption of caffeine. You could also be bleeding if you have diverticula, which are small, full pouches located in the large intestine. These may cause painless but sometimes severe bleeding.

Piles, or haemorrhoids, are swollen blood vessels around the anus and are of two types - internal and external. Internal haemorrhoids most commonly are accompanied by rectal bleeding. You might find blood on the toilet paper you use, in the toilet bowl, or on the surface of your stool. Other symptoms include skin irritation, anal itching, and discomfort. Unless the internal haemorrhoid is very inflamed, you might not even be able to see or feel it unlike external haemorrhoids which are visible around the anus. The most common symptoms of external haemorrhoids are rectal pain and lumps that forms around the anus. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms as well, consult your doctor immediately.

answered by G M

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