I used to have a rash right above my upper lip and just below my lower lip, the rash is gone now, but there is a dark ring around my lips. Please help to get rid of it?

Dark skin around your lips can be due to cigarette smoking, a wrong toothpaste or tanning. No matter what the causes are but a patch of dark skin around your lips look distressing and annoying. To get rid of the dark skin around your lips, you can follow the below mentioned home remedies:

  • Prepare a mixture of rice flour and curd. Apply this mixture on your skin around the lips and leave fro about 10 minutes. Wash off with plain water.
  • Combination of curd, lemon juice and honey can also prove to be beneficial for lightening the dark skin around your lips. Apply this combination on the affected skin area and notice a visible difference within few days.
  • Lettuce juice can also be used as a pack around the lips. This helps in removing the dark patch.
  • Prepare a combination of lime juice and grated cucumber. Apply this on the affected skin area and wash off after 15-20 minutes.
  • Chick pea power blended into a paste by adding water can be effectively used for lightening the dark skin around your lips.
  • You can even try rubbing lemon slice on the skin around your lips.
  • Quit smoking as smoke from cigarette can further darken the skin around your lips.

answered by J

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