What can I do at home for rosacea?

Rosacea is identified by ugly outbreaks of nasty red marks and pimples on your entire face. However, you must first get this confirmed medically. Once you have done so, there are several simple ways to control these outbreaks. Applying cool or cold compresses will always help subside the itching and burning sensations. You must try to stay out of the sun, which will tan your skin and make you appear darker. It is always essential to moisturize your skin, despite the fact that it may sometimes look oily. Use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser like rose water or cucumber juice for a regular face clean up. Switch to non-medicated, mild herbal soaps, for example, a soap that has a chamomile and tea base. Both these products are known for their properties to soothe rosacea flare-ups.

Apply aloe vera gel to your skin to calm and heal the flare-up. Use fruit pulp for the same. Mashed over-ripe bananas, pulped watermelon and tomato will all work very well. They will moisturize as well as retain water in your skin, which is very essential. You must also drink large quantities of water in order to keep your skin healthy. It is also essential to avoid common skin allergens such as wearing wool, eating nuts and soy. This may further aggravate your situation.

answered by G R

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