How Fluoride Destroys your Health

by Sharon Hopkins

The myriad ways in which fluoride can make a difference to the general health of a healthy and normal person have been debated and discussed for more than a decade now. There are some strict laws regarding the rampant and generally excessive use of fluoride in all sorts of products. In western countries, fluoride is added to the drinking water of the general population in a lot of states. The limits and quantity control, sadly, are different everywhere. This can sometimes cause really serious problems. Typically, fluoride in water is not as damaging as fluoride in some other daily use things like toothpaste and salt. Basically, a limited quantity of fluoride is good to keep the teeth healthy and prevent cavities. However, more than the minimum can cause the same teeth to get substantially damaged. The greater danger in fluoride poisoning of course lies in accidentally consuming it in large quantities. This chemical is present in large quantities only in products like pesticides. In most households, the only products that contain dangerous amounts of fluoride are usually products used to kill rodents. If ingested accidentally, this can cause really serious complications. Various organs can be damaged, and there is also the possibility of death if the problem is not detected and treated in time.

Unless an individual is consuming fluoride in unnatural quantities, it is generally safe for health. However, whether it is a good idea to include it in drinking water is suspect. Some dentists claim that this type of fluoride consumption over a period of time can probably help to control damage to the teeth, but it can cause a lot of harm to the rest of the body. While there have been claims like poisoning and organ damage even in small and acceptable quantities, there is no real evidence to prove this. The stories that have emerged as a result of some private research indicate that consumption of excessive fluoride can actually damage the immune system and cause a general breakdown of the musculature as well as the skeletal system. In some studies, fluoride has also been linked to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, two of the fastest growing and most horrible diseases of the modern world. However, there is as yet no conclusive proof of this. Under the best circumstances, it is wise to avoid taking on extra fluoride in any way. Check the nutritional contents of everything used and make this active decision. While it is a good thing to have some form of fluoride protection, there is enough provided in toothpaste. There is no need for more!

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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