How to get rid of sulfur burps?

You can prepare to get rid of sulfur burps by changing your diet and avoiding certain foods that predispose you to these gassy emissions. You can start by eliminating foods that are high in sugar. Avoid confectionery, ice cream, candy, breads made from refined flour, sodas, and alcohol. Supplement your diet with lots of high fiber food to cleanse out the colon. Foods high in fiber include most fruits and vegetables that have not be over-cooked or processed. Substitute white rice with brown rice and refined flour pastas and breads with the whole-wheat alternative. You can also try eliminating eggs and foods with egg in them. Read product labels carefully or ask for an ingredient-list if you are unsure about whether a product contains egg. In some cases, though not all, cutting out dairy from the diet may also help.

Some simple cleansers you could try to help you include drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and add a teaspoon of dark honey to the water to aid digestion. Drinking ample amounts of water through the day is another great way to make sure your body gets the help it needs to keep itself free from toxins.

If the burping is excessive and is accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and cramping get the opinion of a doctor to rule out more serious causes.

answered by G M

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