Health Advice

You probably have something stuck in the gums there or you have a pocket where the gums have...

How to cure excessive drooling while sleeping? Drooling is defined as a condition where saliva...

Sympathomimetics are drugs that work on the sympathetic nervous system. They are administered to...

An inner ear infection is different from swimmer’s ear. It is essentially an infection of...

Can torn ligaments be repaired at home? While the body’s tissues are in a state of constant...

Take cumin seeds, soak it in lime juice and dry it keep it in a bottle when ever feel giddiness...

Eye irritation and itching is a result of allergy due to dust or any other pollutants. Other...

Dark patches on face- To get rid of dark patches on skin use a cream made from milk fat and...

Typical metabolic disorders may lead to peculiar smells in stools. Metallic smell is specially...

Your child will not get intestinal worms by eating too much sugar. But if your child has...