
The color of our hair primarily depends on a pigment known as melanin. This is the same pigment...

People with dry skin usually have an oily t-zone that is prone to acne, in its various forms. The...

Hair texture is dependent on a variety of factors. Pollutants, exposure to the rays of the sun,...

The skin around the mouth and chin is very thin and delicate. This is why it is not uncommon to...

White heads often afflict people with an oily skin. Your body produces an oil called sebum that...

Honey and lemon juice is often mixed together and used as part of a natural lip care regimen....

Dry and chapped lips is a very common problem as the skin on the lips is extremely thin and...

Spots on the face could either be in the form of freckles or liver spots. Freckles are a...

There are several effective remedies for darkened underarms that you can use. However, it is...

Dark lips can be very unattractive and unsightly. Luckily, there are a few home remedies that are...

Aloe vera is also known as medicinal aloe. Aloe vera is a short plant that is known the world...

Darkened underarms can make a person reluctant to wear any sleeveless outfits. Darkened underarms...