Alternative Health

If you are not certain what exactly the growth your daughter has on her neck is, you first need...

Mustard is known for its properties of healing and bringing down inflammation. The ancient...

The method to be followed in getting rid of a boil depends on what kind of a boil you have in the...

What happens when you suffer from hemorrhoids is that a vein in your anal area is enlarged and...

Psoriasis is not the kind of disease that can be healed by something as simple as rubbing a...

Moles are made up of clusters of nevus cells which contain melanin and are usually pigmented but...

Diet for Burns There are no specific diets you can really follow if you have any kind of burns...

Functions of blood Blood is made up of two parts, namely red blood cells and white blood cells....

If your skin is peeling from the sides of your nose, then you should first find out why this is...

Normally, when you burn any part of your mouth due to eating, you will notice that excess saliva...

Any injury in an infant/toddler should be taken very seriously. This is especially true for...

Causes and appearance Although skin warts are generally associated with Cancer in older people,...