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Depending upon the specific location within the lining of the uterus, characteristics and your history, specific treatment recommendations should be developed by a trained health care practitioner. There are many herbs which can be used to normalize hormone (estrogen/progesterone) balance --chaste tree, wild yam, dandelion, blue cohosh, false unicorn, partridge berry and pulsatilla to name only a few...

In my opinion, mole removal should be done by a trained health care practitioner. Because it is not necessarily easy to tell the condition of a mole, often a punch biopsy (tissue sample) is done at the same time as an excision (surgical removal)  particularly if the color, size, borders, etc...

There are many good suggestions for palliating toe fungus symptoms on this website and camphor vapor rub is certainly one option. It is up to you to determine whether or not the price difference between a generic and trade-marked brand is worth it, since the exact ingredients in a brand name are often unavailable from the label...

There is no magic diet to specifically increase beard growth but I can suggest solutions to stimulate hair growth as follows: Oil massage - Massage the roots of your beard daily for a few minutes with oil particularly coconut oil. This enhances blood flow to hair follicles and could stimulate hair growth...