What do you put on a cold sore?

Cold sores mean fever blisters. They generally appear around the mouth area like lips, chin. It is a contagious disease so avoid contact with others. As soon as you realize that cold sores are developing you can try some home remedies.
  • Most common and easy way treat cold sores is, to rub ice on the blisters. It slows down the metabolism of the cold sore area.
  • Warm tea bags can be applied for 20-30 minutes on blisters & can help to disappear blisters within 5-6 days.
  • Prepare a mixture of 100ml. coconut oil+ 2ml. antiseptic lotion+ 3ml. tea tree oil or carbolic acid. Apply the mixture on the boils of cold sores, once or twice a day. This preparation can be preserved.
  • Apply fresh aloe vera extract on the sores.
  • Lemon balm extract is also good for healing.
  • Keep your personal things like toothbrush, towels, plates etc away from others.
  • Wash your hands before and after touching the blisters.
  • Avoid food having acidic or salty ingredients.
  • Try to improve your immune system.
  • All these remedies will certainly help. But if it is more severe, consult a Doctor.

answered by R S

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