How to get rid of genital odor?

Genital odor due to vaginitis is common in women of any reproductive age. The odor occurs with itching and discharge and infection. The most common infections are bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis and candidiasis. Vaginal hormones and friendly vaginal bacteria maintain a natural balance. However if the balance gets haywire, then infection can take place. Some of the causes of this imbalance are pregnancy, general illness and weakness, sexually transmitted diseases, hot weather and non ventilating clothing that can increase the humidity , warmth and darkness of the genital area, medication, diabetes, anti bacterial soaps or topical sprays, uncleanliness, menstruation, sexual intercourse with an infected individual.

Certain treatments that can be applied to treat genital odors are :

  • Apply yogurt on vaginal area or consume yogurt regularly as it can bring back the natural balance of friendly bacteria in the vagina.
  • Abstain from sex till the odor is completely gone or use a condom.
  • Avoid strain and stress and excessive sweating.
  • Keep your private parts clean and dry.
  • Clean the vagina with mild soaps thoroughly.
  • Avoid public bathrooms or showers or swimming pools. Do not remain in wet clothes for long period of time.
  • Ask your partner for a check up in case of recurrence of infection.

answered by J M

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