Bees are actually very important members of the natural world. These small, striped, brightly colored insects can be found in almost all parts of the world, where they help to cross-pollinate plants and provide us with nutritious, healthy honey. However, bees also have a ‘darker side’ thanks to the stinger found at the tip of the bee’s abdomen. This stinger is connected to a small sack of venom that contains several ingredients, including melittin, which causes the body to overload on histamine production. This causes the stung area to swell, become red, and feel tender and warm. This swelling and discomfort can last for several days before the body heals itself. For most of us, a bee sting is harmless. In fact, there are claims that bee venom can be helpful in reducing pain in rheumatism and arthritis. However, some individuals can develop serious complications because of an allergy to a bee sting.

If you get stung, or observe someone else being stung, you should immediately keep an eye out for sings of anaphylactic shock. The symptoms appear almost instantly and include weakness, shortness of breath, confusion, nausea or vomiting, and loss of consciousness. If you notice these sings, call for medical help immediately; in some cases, anaphylactic shock can lead to death.

If you suffer from a normal reaction to a bee sting, there are several options to get relief. First of all, gently remove the sting from your skin. If the poison sac is attacked, be careful not to pinch it, if you do pinch it an increased amount of venom will be injected into your skin. The simplest remedy is to run cold water over the stung area or apply an ice pack. Since most stings occur when you are outdoors, you may have to improvise. Some people believe that a mud pack can help reduce the itchiness and swelling. Simply make a paste with dirt and water (or saliva), apply it, and allow it to dry. If you are closer to home, try a paste made with baking soda and water. It is believed that such a pack can help draw out the venom, thus speeding up the recovery process. Aloe vera can also be of great help, since it has soothing and healing properties. You can use aloe vera gel, or a mix aloe vera extract with a couple of drops of lavender oil. Finally, the bee itself can help you; many people have reported reduction in pain by applying natural honey on the affected area!

answered by M W

Try the following home remedies for bee sting -

  • It is very important to scrap the skin where you have got a bee sting to avoid any infection. This can be done with the help of the blunt side of a knife.
  • An effective remedy to gives immediate relief is by rubbing wet aspirin on the affected area.
  • Apply a paste of baking soda ad water directly on the sting for 15-20 minutes. This will also help to relieve the itching.
  • To prevent itching apply calamine lotion on the bites, it will also act as a great coolant.

To avoid bee sting in future preferably wear clothes with full sleeves, full pants and boots during any outdoor activity. Do not disturb the bees nest purposely.

answered by S P

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