how long can it take for the pain to subside with shingles from eyes and scalp

Shingles is incredibly painful. Some of the best things you can do for the pain and to speed healing are:

  1. Aloe Vera Gel. Spread 100% pure aloe on to the blisters on the scalp. This will provide almost instant relief. Repeat every 2 hours for the best results.
  2. Use eye drops made from black or green tea every 2 hours in both eyes to help clear up the infection.
  3. Boost your immune system. A weak immune system is what causes shingles, which are a form of herpes…closely related to chicken pox. You can boost your immune system by taking a good multivitamin supplement and an herbal treatment such as Echinacea and Goldenseal. Perhaps the most powerful herbal treatment for something like this is Oregano Oil.
  4. Get your rest. Your body heals as it sleeps, make sure you get plenty of rest. If you have trouble sleeping, take an all natural sleep aid such as Valerian. It is not habit forming and has lesser side effects. You will wake up feeling much better. You can also drink a cup of strong chamomile tea before bedtime.

By combining these things, you will be able to soothe your discomfort and pain as well as speed up the healing process.

answered by R P

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