Benefits of witch hazel?

Witch hazel is an herb that belongs to the Hamamelidaceae family of the Hamamelis genus. This plant has fragrant yellow flowers and is often grown as an ornamental shrub.

The astringent lotion derived from the bark and the leaves of this plant is often used in the manufacture of many hair care and skincare products. Several women have also seen an improvement in their hair and skin after using witch hazel extracts. However, there are many other benefits that have been associated with this popular herbal remedy. Different types of witch hazel preparations are also used in the treatment of ailments, like:

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Sore throat
  • Varicose veins
  • Swimmer’s ear
  • Carpenter’s / gardener’s hands
  • Watery stools and diarrhea
  • Laryngitis
  • Prolapsed uterus
This remedy is often used to expedite the healing process of bruises, wounds, lesions, sprains, bumps and bleeding gums too. However, the tannins present in witch hazel could lead to serious side effects if taken in high or prolonged doses. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to consult a doctor as well as an herbalist before using this herb.

Witch Hazel for Hair

In order to maintain the shine and good color of your hair, it is absolutely essential that you keep it clean and healthy at all times. This does not mean that you have to spend a bundle on expensive hair care products that may not even deliver the results you were expecting. Witch hazel, an inexpensive yet highly effective herbal remedy can be found in most pharmacies, not only cleanses your hair, but also gives it a new life. Given below are the steps to follow, for healthier hair –

  • Comb your hair till it is free of knots, before dividing it into small sections
  • Dip a large piece of cotton in some witch hazel extract and apply it on to the exposed skin on your scalp
  • Wipe your scalp as well as the hair with the soaked cotton ball and allow your hair to air dry before combing it again.
Many shampoos, conditioners, oils and other hair products also contain witch hazel extracts, to improve the overall health of your hair.

Witch Hazel for Skin

Witch hazel has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent & moisturizing properties, which makes it an excellent product for your skin. Unlike commercial cleansers that only clean your skin or make it smell good, witch hazel keeps your skin moist and healthy.

Extracts of this herbal remedy are often used in the treatment of wounds, lesions, swellings and bruises. Some people also claim to have alleviated the symptoms of eczema using witch hazel. However, there is no scientific research to conclude that this remedy helps treat eczema.

Acne is one of the most common skin problems to affect people of all ages, around the world. If you are suffering from this affliction, you can try to control it with the help of this remedy. Given below are the benefits of witch hazel for acne:

  • Disinfectant: The use of witch hazel on the affected skin gets rid of bacteria, thereby preventing inflammation and the formation of acne
  • Astringent: The regular application of witch hazel minimizes the size of the pores. This prevents dirt and oil from accumulating in the pores, which in turn reduces acne.
  • Anti-irritant: The numbing and soothing effects of witch hazel reduce skin irritation. This also prevents further skin infections from occurring.
Though there are several benefits of using witch hazel for the hair and skin, it is important to check with a doctor before using this remedy.



answered by G M

Benefits of Witch Hazel:

  • Witch Hazel is a good antiseptic and anti inflammatory.
  • It has astringent property useful to dry wounds, injuries.
  • It's compresses are used for curing hemorrhoids.
  • It's cream is used to remove pimples and white or black heads on face.

answered by D M K

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