what is a good remedy for a swollen wasp bite in the face

Make a thick paste of bentonite clay and water and apply it topically over the inflamed area. Allow it todry and repeat a few more times throughout the day. The clay will draw out the toxins and cool the skin.

answered by Dr C M N

To remove the stinger if it is still in the skin, wash the area with cold water and place an ice cube on it. Then apply a little salt to it. Rub it in, but not hard enough to push the sting in. Carefully scrape off the skin with a blunt knife and remove the sting with a tweezer. Do not squeeze it as that will cause the residual venom to be re-injected into the skin.

  • Take echinacea and/or goldenseal in tea or capsule form to boost immune function. Goldenseal is a natural antibiotic and functions well as a poultice. It reduces inflammation and prevents infection. Helps to treat bee sting
  • Juniper tea cleanses the venom from your internal system and can also make an excellent external poultice when the berries are crushed and applied to the sting.
  • Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply to it to relieve irration.
  • Parsley juice or honey smoothed on the swelling will also relieve irritation.
  • Apply an ice compress to the sting area a few minutes every two hours for the first day after you've been stung. Not only will you reduce the swelling and pain from the sting, but you will be stopping the spread of venom.
  • Apply lavender oil to the sting area to reduce inflammation and pain.

answered by C

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