If a person has an attack of epilepsy what to do for him at that time?

Epilepsy is the name given to a group of disorders characterized by abnormal electrical activity in the brain that leads to seizures. Recurrent seizures are noticed in patients with epilepsy, though not all seizures are epileptic seizures. Several factors like stress, low blood sugar, high fever, and alcohol or drug abuse can lead to seizures, but these do not occur repeatedly. Family and friends of patients suffering from epilepsy should be aware of what to expect in order to be able to give epilepsy first aid, because the seizures may occur at any time.

Seizures are of many types, and in order to give epilepsy first aid, one should know how to recognize a particular type of seizure. Generalized seizures may be classified as grand mal, absence, myoclonic, clonic, tonic, or atonic seizures. Signs and symptoms of epilepsy in both children and adults include loss of consciousness and convulsions or rhythmic jerks, in the case of generalized seizures. Partial seizures involve a small area of the brain and are generally classified as simple, simple motor, simple sensory, simple psychological, complex and partial seizures with secondary generalization. Patients who have simple partial seizures are generally conscious while those who suffer complex partial seizures become unconscious. Those who are giving epilepsy first aid should know that loss of bladder control is common among patients suffering from seizures.

In case of children there may be some pre-warnings prior to the seizure. These symptoms include some changes in sight, smell, taste, and sound. Some other symptoms include nausea, headache, and numbness. Signs and symptoms of epilepsy in children may vanish when they reach puberty, but until they reach that age, they have to be carefully monitored in all their activities so that they do not injure themselves when a seizure occurs. Causes of epilepsy in adults could be abnormal brain chemistry or an imbalance of the neurotransmiiter chemicals in the brain due to injury or infection. Hereditary epilepsy could be the result of the inheritance of an abnormal gene or a missing gene that causes the body to change the way it processes body chemicals. Environmental factors that could lead to epilepsy could be when a person is exposed to certain harmful chemicals like lead over a period of time, alcohol or drug abuse, stress and hormonal changes.

If a person has an attack of epilepsy, it can scare people around him. The first step in epilepsy first aid is to stay calm and try to prevent the person having the attack from injuring himself and make the person comfortable by loosening the neck tie or cushioning the head. There is no need to restrain the person if he/she is having convulsions, nor should he/she be fed anything, even water. The important thing in epilepsy first aid is to stay with the person until he regains consciousness and get him medical help if required.

Treating epilepsy naturally is possible by making some healthy changes in the diet. Include plenty of fruits like apples, figs, bananas, and grapes that are rich in magnesium, vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B6 plays a vital role in strengthening the body's nervous system and is helpful in preventing epileptic attacks. Vegetables like beet roots, cucumber, and spinach, nuts and legumes are rich sources of essential nutrients and have been found to help those with epilepsy. Combining the juice of carrots, cucumbers, and beets and drinking the concoction twice a day is said to be helpful. Popular among home remedies for epilepsy is the simple fresh grape juice. Taken in 500 ml doses thrice a day for three months, grape juice has been found to be effective against epilepsy.

answered by G M

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