What can i do to treat or prevent grey phlegm?

When the mucus that is present in a person's chest gets visibly congealed, it is referred to as phlegm. However, phlegm is good for a person, as it is produced by the mucus membranes, in an attempt to fight off various infections. Phlegm is different from mucus as it formed in the lungs, instead of the nasal passage. However, a buildup of phlegm is often caused by post nasal drip, which is a symptom of the common cold, as well as other irritants that can be inhaled. It is quite common to cough up phlegm, in case of an excessive buildup. In case you are coughing up phlegm that is colored, it is probably an indication of a bronchial infection. It is easy to diagnose the exact problem, by observing the color of the phlegm. If the color of the phlegm is brownish, green or yellow, it indicates that your body is trying to fight off an infection. However, if you cough up grey phlegm, it could indicate that your body is trying to expel resins or tars that have been built up, because of excessive smoking. Even if you do not smoke this could result from inhalation of large amounts of air pollutants, like smog or dust. However, it is important to try to get rid of the phlegm, which you can do, through the following steps:

  • Quit the habit of smoking, immediately, in case you are a smoker. Smoking has been known to aggravate numerous bronchial and lung conditions that can be severe and in some cases, fatal too. Moreover, it interferes with the body's ability to combat infections. If you do not quit smoking after coughing up phlegm that is grey or brown in color, you may soon find the phlegm speckled with red spots, which are an indication of a serious disease like lung cancer.
  • Do not leave any nasal infections or sinus infections untreated, for long periods of time. If you fix the infection, using various forms of treatment or home remedies, you could get rid of the accumulation of phlegm and mucus in the body.
  • Expectorants are types of medication that help in loosening the buildup phlegm and mucus in the respiratory tract. These could be used to thin the mucus, making it easier for your body to get rid of it.
In case you cough up grey phlegm or brown phlegm, it may be the right time to visit a doctor, to rule out the possibility of any serious chest problems.

answered by A S

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