what is the diet for piles? I am suffering in piles last three years.

Piles patient should have fiber rich It should consist of fruits like papaya, musk melon, apple and pear; green vegetables particularly spinach, cabbage and radish etc.Fiber adds bulk and moisture to the stool, and it speeds movement through the intestinal tract. Fiber rich diet can prevent constipation and thus also hemorrhoids from developing. Drink lots of fluid like water, different types of fruit juices, and milk or fruit milk shakes.

Drinking lot of fluid causes softer stools. A softer stool makes emptying the bowels easier and lessens the pressure on hemorrhoids caused by straining. Eliminating straining also helps prevent the hemorrhoids from protruding. Avoid highly refined foods like white rice, white bread, pastries, cakes, pies. Avoid aerated drinks and caffeine containing and drinks. Drinking alcohol should be avoided as they may contribute to dry stool.Dr.Tabassum Patel

answered by Dr

Ayurveda views every disease as caused by unbalance of kapha, vata or pitta. depending on the unbalance piles can be itching ones, paining ones, or bleeding ones. This is only a preliminary gideline and exceptions can be there, a practitioner is a best person to judge the unbalance. depending on that the diet guideline can be made sharper.

IN general however, the diet with higher fiber content will help as it will give less strain to rectum while passing stools. YOu may see the files mentioning diet for reducing each type of dosha or combination type dosha at yahoo group ayurvedaonline. These files are stored by Noel.

answered by S B

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