Best Ways to Lose Weight

How can I reduce my abdominal fat

Most people in the world today want to have a well toned body and a good physique. Unfortunately, the kind of lifestyle that we are living is largely to be blamed for us putting on unwanted and unnecessary weight. The regular consumption of fast foods such as burgers, fries and high cholesterol foods complimented with lack of exercise go on to add up to the extra body mass which expresses itself through abdominal fat.   

Abdominal fat could give rise to a host of other problems such as heart attacks, blockages in the arteries, skin rashes, and so on. It is therefore very necessary to live a healthy lifestyle and avoid excessive fat as it could be very difficult to lose this excessive fat once it builds up in the body. Many people have the misconception that by reducing their meals they would also be able to reduce abdominal fat. Though this may be true to some extent it could also prove to be harmful to the body. One should remember that in order to reduce abdominal fat you would have to follow a diet regime and also involve yourself in regular exercises. Cut down on foods that would have a high cholesterol content. Especially avoid eating outside foods and eat only home cooked meals. Include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet as this will not only nourish your body but will also supply the body with the essential nutrients it requires. Eat small meals throughout the day and avoid eating very large meals as it tends to put strain on the digestive system. Regular stomach exercises for at an hour daily would be very helpful. Even brisk walking and swimming are known to be very good exercises to burn the excessive body fat.

One should remember that such situations could also arise if you are on medication. If you have been on medication for a long period of time because of an illness, abdominal fat could be a side effect of the medication. Other conditions such as post - pregnancy is also responsible for abdominal fat. Yoga is known to be very helpful in reducing abdominal fat; however it is necessary you get a good yoga teacher who would train you in using the proper technique for the different yoga exercises. Besides this make sure that you follow a regular time table daily which has enough time for exercise and rest. Always monitor the food you eat to avoid unnecessary intake of excessive fat.

answered by c

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