I am 24 years old, what can I do to prevent an STD? Are there any pills?

Infections that are transmitted from person-to-person through sexual contact are medically referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STD). With the exception of cold and flu, STDs are the most commonly experienced contagious diseases in the United States. Any individual who has had sexual contact such as vaginal sex, anal sex or oral sex with another individual can be affected by an STD. As a matter of fact, individuals affected by STD may not display any symptoms and may not even know that they are infected. It is important to note that if you do not display any visible symptoms; your health can still be affected. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are two important STD diseases caused by bacteria. In most cases, these two ailments develop at almost the same time. These diseases do not display any symptoms to begin with, and when they do, they may occur over three-week period after physical contact with an infected person. Symptoms are the commonly noticed include:

  • A thick discharge from the vagina of a woman or the penis, in the case of a man.
  • Painful sensation at the time of urinating. Increased frequency of urination.
  • Pain in the region of the pelvis or the abdomen.
  • Burning or itching sensations in the area around the vagina accompanied with redness of swelling of the vulva. Excessive bleeding between periods.
  • Sore throat associated with or without fever. The occurrence of swollen or enlarged lymph nodes.

If neglected, these conditions are capable of causing serious pelvic inflammatory diseases in women. Pelvic inflammatory disease is described as an infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. This disease can also cause infertility. Pelvic inflammatory disease manifests itself in symptoms like fever, nausea and vomiting as well as pain in the abdomen.

To answer question, there are no pills available that can prevent an STD. There are, however, other things that you can do to prevent being infected by an STD. It is important to know your sexual partners and restrict yourself to one partner if possible. You partner's sexual history is equally important as your own. Remember, that you are at a higher risk of getting an STD, issue indulgent sex with multiple partners. Always ensure that you use a latex condom every time you indulge in vaginal, oral or anal sex, as it is considered to be very effective in greatly reducing any chances of an infection. Do bear in mind that condoms lubricated with spermicidals are no more effective than regular condoms. As a matter of fact, the excessive use of a particular spermicidal can greatly increase the risk of HIV. Ensure that you get yourself vaccinated from ailments such as hepatitis B and HPV.

answered by G M

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