Treatment for Age Spots

How do I get rid of black spots which is on my cheek left and right only

Black spots on the skin could be anything ranging from lentigo or age spots as they are commonly referred to or they could be freckles, blackheads or even indicators of cysts. fenugreek seeds and a few sticks of cinnamon can be crushed into powder and mixed with water to form a paste. Apply the paste on the affected area, namely the black spots for 20 minutes, and then wash it off with cold water. Use this application daily for better results. You can also grind dried orange peel into a powder and mix it with water. This paste can be applied daily for better results. Banana is an excellent blemish remover and milk tones and lightens the skin. Banana mixed with honey can also be used.

Dietary inclusion for a healthy, glowing skin include a lot of vitamin C in your diet in the form of papaya, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, cabbage, dark leafy green vegetables and broccoli. Gram flour is a good way to get rid of spots of any kind. Take a tablespoon of gram flour and mix a pinch of turmeric in it. Add two teaspoons of milk and mix to form a smooth paste. This should be applied on your black spots and left until dry. This dried mask can be washed off with cold water. Applying fresh lime juice on your face at bedtime is another remedy that you can try. Take care to wash your face before applying lime juice. Aloe Vera juice or pulp is another very effective skin blemish and burn mark remover. This also helps lighten the skin color and makes it smoother and supple. But you have to use it regularly for some time before any noticeable difference can be observed.

Exposing your face to the sun tends to exacerbate the condition of black spots. Make sure that you stay out of harsh sunlight that can cause the skin to burn and wrinkle on prolonged exposure. Sunscreen of SPF 30 is usually sufficient to protect the skin unless you're a tennis player. Then, SPF 45-60 has to be applied on your exposed skin. A paste that works best overnight can be made of sandalwood powder mixed with rose water. This can be applied at bedtime on your black spots and washed off with cold water in the morning. Follow up with a good moisturizer. A good glowing skin with proper diet and care regimen is sure to be yours after a period of time.

answered by G M

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