Remedies for red itchy spots on face: There are Red Itchy spots in my Face, and there are dry flaky areas on my face (although i have oily skin and it is summer). This has recently started and i never used to have it. Please Help.

Many cases of dermatitis are simply the result of allergies. This type of condition is called allergic or contact dermatitis. Skin inflammation may be linked to contact with perfumes, cosmetics, rubber, medicated creams and ointments, latex, plants such as poison ivy, or metals or metal alloys such as gold, silver, and nickel found in jewelry or zippers. Some people with dermatitis are sensitive to sunlight. Whatever the irritant, if the skin remains in constant contact with it, the dermatitis is likely to spread and become more severe. Stress, especially chronic tension, can cause or exacerbate dermatitis.

Types of dermatitis

  • Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema).
  • Herpetiformis dermatitis.
  • Nummular dermatitis.
  • Seborrhea dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis (AD; also known as atopic eczema or, in children, infantile eczema) is a condition known to affect allergy-prone individuals. It typically appears on the face, in the bends of the elbows, and behind the knees, and is very itchy. In children, it usually appears in the first year of life, and almost always in the first five years. Over half of the infants who have this condition get better by the age of eighteen months. Triggers vary from person to person, but tend to include cold or hot weather, a dry atmosphere, exposure to allergens, stress, and infections such as colds. If other family members have histories of hay fever, asthma, or atopic dermatitis, it is more likely that a child will be diagnosed with AD.

Nummular ("coin-shaped") dermatitis is a chronic condition in which round, scaling lesions appear on the limbs. It may be caused by an allergy to nickel and is often associated with dry skin. Dermatitis herpetiformis is a very itchy type of dermatitis associated with intestinal and immune disorders. This form of dermatitis may be triggered by the consumption of dairy products or gluten. Seborrhea is a form of dermatitis that most commonly affects the scalp or face.

Home remedies for the treatment of dermatitis

  • Oregon grape root detoxifies the body and reduces inflammation.
  • Use a lotion made out of blueberry leaves this is proven to be fantastic relieving inflammation of dermatitis.
  • Golu kola contains powerful antioxidants and promotes the formation of lipids and proteins that are essential for healthy skin.
  • Massage tea tree oil antiseptic cream into the skin after contact with water or irritants.
  • To relieve itching and promote healing, mix goldenseal root powder with vitamin E oil, then add a little honey until it is the consistency of a loose paste. Apply this mixture to the affected area.
  • Take Zinc orally and apply it directly on the dermatitis.
  • Apply aloe vera gel to affected areas (dermatitis).

Prevention tips

  • Avoid eggs, peanuts and dairy products.
  • Keep the colon clean. Use a fiber supplement such as flaxseed, psyllium husk or Aerobic Bulk Cleanse (ABC) from Aerobic Life Industries daily. Use occasional cleansing enemas for removing toxins for quicker healing.
  • Food allergies can cause dermatitis.
  • Add brown rice and millet to your diet

answered by C

Are you using a new brand of moisturizing cream or soap which you have never used before? Try to remember if you have recently started using any new cosmetic on your face. That is likely to cause an allergic reaction which has erupted as red itchy spots on your face. If that is the case, please stop using it.

The symptoms you have described suggest eczema. Please read more about this condition on our website:

Some home remedies you can try:

  1. Grate nutmeg and mix in a little water. Apply this paste to the affected area. Let it dry and wash off.
  2. Use oatmeal as a cleanser on your face and body. Take flaky variety of oats, blend in a dry mixie and make powder. Mix in a little water to make thick paste. Use this instead of spal to cleanse your face and body while taking a bath. Oatmeal is a good moisturizing cleanser without being oily.
  3. Mix 1 tsp camphor and 1 tsp sandalwood paste and apply to affected areas.
  4. Drink plenty of water and juices. A combination of spinach juice and tomato juice works wonders to your skin and health.

answered by P P

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