Natural remedies for leukemia

my dad has been told he has leukemia ..can you please tell me what advice do you have .. for alternative medicine...

Your father needs to make choices regarding the mix of conventional and natural treatments which would be helpful for him. He should make these choices based on the expertise of trained health care professionals such as oncologists, naturopathic physicians, etc. Ensure he gets second opinions on both conventional and natural treatments. Of course there is no simple "home remedy" for treating leukemia. 

Most cancers take many years to develop, and are the result of a complex series of interactions. Some of the causes may be exposures, others may be genetic per-dispositions combined with lifestyle choices.  Appropriate natural treatments will address all aspects of your father's condition, not just day-to-day symptoms. There are many natural treatments which can strengthen the immune system, support digestive function and elimination, balance mental/emotional functions etc. Please seek the advice of  trained health care professionals to help your father make the best choices to support his health goals.

answered by Dr K B N

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