I'm 16 and have a fungal infection, my nail grows in and up and is very yellow its disgusting how do I get rid of it because of it anything I wear hurts. please help me!

The erosion of our toenails as a result of an invasion of some type of fungal attack is not taken very seriously during its developmental phase – causing it to be largely ignored until the time when it has developed to an extent that it has caused a significant amount of damage to the entire toenail. Also known as Onychomycosis, the condition is caused by a group of fungus known as dermatophytes and are harmful primarily because of the fact that they feed on keratin, which is the protein that makes up the surface of our toenails. Although there is no specific rule or reason behind this, the two most affected toes happen to be the big toe finger and the little toe finger.  Because the condition is caused by a fungus, it is contagious and is also known to be hereditary, where it can be passed down from one generation to the next within the same bloodline. Some people tend to be more susceptible to toenail funguses than others. Some of the contributing factors include abnormal pH levels of the skin around the area of infection, poor foot hygiene and trauma to the nail. The fungus itself is known to thrive in dark, damp places, making the environment around the nails a perfect spot. This is also the reason that people that visit public bathhouses or gymnasium shower rooms are more susceptible along with athletes to being affected by toenail funguses.

The symptoms of the condition are quite visible and will turn the affected nail into a dirty yellow color initially, and then a dark brown. The nail will also become thick and overgrown, making it significantly harder to wear the correct size shoes. Because of the fact that the condition is so common, there are a number of rather effective treatment options that will help significantly. tea tree oil, for example, is a potent natural antiseptic and fungicide that is known to be very effective in dealing with toenail fungus when mixed together with an equal amount of olive oil. Although Listerine is very well known for its oral hygiene benefits, it’s antiseptic and antifungal properties make it a very effective treatment option when dealing with toenail funguses. All you need to do is soak your feet in a tub of the solution for a period of 30 minutes and your toenails will have attained a very healthy shine.

answered by G M

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