Treatment for high creatinine levels

The normal levels of Creatinine are considered to be those that fall within the range of 0.8 to 1.4 mg/dl. Men generally have higher Creatinine levels as compared to women as they tend to have more muscle mass and Creatinine is a by product caused through muscular exertion. In a woman, the ideal Creatinine levels are those between 0.5 and 1.0 mg/dl and in men it should fall between 0.7 and 1.2 mg/dL. If the levels are significantly lower or higher, the root cause will have to be ascertained and the condition treated. However, these values can be much higher or lower depending on the physical activity of the individual. A person with a higher level of physical activity will have higher levels of Creatinine in his/her body. Therefore what may seem like a rather high level may actually be normal if you exercise vigorously for prolonged periods.

Creatinine is actually a waste product that is created when the body utilizes Creatine for physical activity. This byproduct is filtered by the kidneys and is removed from the body along with other waste products through the urine. The increase in your Creatinine levels signifies a high possibility of kidney problems. If you have diabetes, you are at a very high risk of experiencing this type of elevation. It is important o understand that this rise in Creatinine levels is not a health condition in itself but rather a symptom of a deeper underlying cause that must be treated in order to reduce the levels. There are also several other causes for an increase in Creatinine levels. The prolonged use of antibiotics or high blood pressure medications which are Angitensin-converting enzyme inhibitors can cause an increase in Creatinine levels. If you are an athlete or bodybuilder and you are on supplements, make sure that your supplements do not contain Creatine. Creatine supplements are often used to gain muscle mass quickly.

Dietary measures and medications are necessary in order to reduce these elevated levels of Creatinine. However, these changes need to be specifically suited to your weight and physical fitness levels. Thus, you will need to speak to your doctor to get a dietary regimen that is suitable for you. There are also several home remedies like cinnamon and Siberian Ginseng that can be used to treat this problem. Dandelion tea is an effective diuretic and is also rich in potassium which is a mineral that is often lost when using a diuretic. The tea also helps to normalize blood sugar levels and is therefore extremely effective in dealing with cases of increased Creatinine caused by diabetes.

answered by S D

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