How to get rid of ringworm by using natural remedies?

Ringworm is among the most common of skin infections and it’s almost one of the most frequently misunderstood diseases. Contrary to popular belief and what the name may imply, a ringworm infection has nothing to do with worms. Instead, ringworm infections are the result of fungal infections. Ringworm is in fact caused by a group of fungi, collectively called dermatophytes that are responsible for a variety of fungal infections, from toenail fungus to jock itch. The infection can affect the scalp, hands, feet and torso. The reason for its name can be attributed to its peculiar symptom or the very appearance of the rash – a red inflamed ring. The skin affected becomes extremely itchy and sore.

Like most similar fungal infections, ringworm is highly contagious and can be passed on easily through direct contact with an infected individual or through contact with contaminated objects. Contact with pets can also pose some risk as some pets like dogs and cats can pick up the infection. Personal hygiene practices are therefore vital to prevention and also important to you so as to prevent spreading the infection and to eliminate the risk of re-infection. Never walk bare foot in public shower rooms, locker rooms, gyms, and other environments frequented by many people. Avoid sharing items of a personal nature, like towels, socks or clothing.

There are a number of medicated treatments and natural methods for the treatment of ringworm. Over the counter medications are extremely effective against ringworm and would therefore constitute your best option. These medications generally include ointments and topical applications that are to be applied over the affected area. In addition to the use of medicated creams there are also several natural remedies that are inexpensive and easily available. The only drawback to these is that their effectiveness varies among individuals. Here are a few natural remedies for ringworm.

  • You can prepare a paste from mustard seeds and apply this over the affected patch of skin.
  • Freshly cut slices of raw papaya may also be applied over the affected skin.
  • One traditional remedy that is quite popular in some parts of the world is the use of turmeric juice and honey. Mix them in equal portions and consume daily. A teaspoon of each would be ideal. You can even use the raw turmeric juice as a topical application.

In addition to the medications and remedies make it a point to follow a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as this will help boost your immunity.

answered by S D

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