Symptoms and remedies for kidney pain

Rarely does a person suffer from a dull aching pain coming from the kidneys. Some often unwittingly confuse a severe back pain that is caused by gradual rupture to the ligaments or muscles with kidney pain. Any pain from the kidney is going to be sharp, extremely painful and caused by the occurrence of kidney stones. kidney stones are hard masses that develop from crystals that are separated from the urine while still in the urinary tract. Under normal circumstances, urine contains chemical substances that prevent the formation of these crystals; however, some people do not have enough of these substances as a result of heredity factors. The chemicals that make up these crystals are part of the individual’s diet and the most common types include a combination of calcium with oxalate or phosphate. While the root cause of the development of the kidney stones is still relatively unknown, certain foods may increase the likelihood of their development in people that are susceptible. As a result, people with a family history of the condition are more likely to suffer from it. During their developmental phase, kidney stones will rarely cause any symptoms. It is only when one of these crystals moves into the urinary tract and blocks the flow of urine that a person goes through excruciating pain. In extreme cases, the patient may even suffer from nausea and vomiting. If the stone is relatively large, the pain will continue until the muscles in the wall of the narrow ureter squeeze the stone into the bladder. Some blood may also be present in the urine.

Dealing with kidney stones is highly likely to call for a lifestyle change. It is essential to have a rather high intake of liquid – preferably water as this will help the body naturally break down the formations of crystals, in addition to making the urine more dilute and easier to pass out. While foods like dairy products and other foods high in calcium are not likely to cause or aggravate the issue, foods that contain vitamin D and antacids with a calcium base should be avoided. If the patient’s urine has a high acidic content, it is recommended that he or she does not consume or significantly reduce the consumption of fish, poultry and meat. French beans are known to be a miracle cure for any kidney related ailment and should make up a significant portion of your daily diet. You should also consult your licensed physician in case the pain is extreme and seemingly unbearable.

answered by M W

A kidney pain can be excruciating and can be chronic or come on suddenly. Kidney pain should not be ignored as it is a sure sign of obstruction or malfunction. There are various causes for kidney pain and an accurate diagnosis involves both scans as well as pinpointing the exact location of the pain.

The swelling of the kidney causes the outermost covering of the kidney to get stretched. This results in pain that is generally felt in the side or small of the back. On occasion, the pain may even radiate towards the center of the abdomen. A person suffering from severe kidney pain may also experience nausea and vomiting. The three main reasons for kidney pain are:

  • A kidney stone that enters a ureter can cause excruciating pain. The pain caused by a kidney stone generally comes in waves. The wave of pain normally lasts for about 40 minutes or so. Once the ureter relaxes the pain stops suddenly and completely. A person suffering from kidney stones often experiences a urine discoloration. Urine may be dark brown in color or may even have visible blood stains. Kidney stones can be dissolved with medication or can be shattered using ultrasonic shockwaves.
  • A kidney infection is associated with the swelling of the renal tissues. This causes a steady aching pain. This pain is rarely intense and if the area over the infected kidney is lightly tapped, there is a feeling of bruised tenderness. The pain is often accompanied by fever and urine tests will record an excess of white blood cells. There are various medications that may be recommended according to the patients medical history.
  • Kidney tumors generally do not cause any pain whatsoever. However, if the tumor has remained undiagnosed and has become large, it can be painful. The tumor will be a palpable mass by the time that the pain sets in and so it is easily diagnosed.

There are plenty of natural remedies for kidney pain, but these off course depend on the cause of the pain as well. It is therefore necessary that you receive medical attention as well. Some natural remedies however are effective and can help facilitate healing. Home remedies like cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar are very useful for flushing out kidney stones. Linseed is considered to be invaluable in the natural treatment of kidney stones. 4 tablespoons of linseed boiled in 1 liter of water and then strained is effective in helping to dissolve the stones. Add the juice of a single lemon to this remedy to increase its effectiveness. Burdock, marsh mallow root and dandelion too are considered to be effective herbs in the treatment of kidney stones.

In the case of infections as well, drinking a lot of fluids like water and fresh fruit juices can help to purge the bacteria and germs from your system.

answered by G M

The best remedies for kidney pain will be those that address the cause of your pain. So, please consult a trained health care practitioner who can identify the cause. The pain could be the result of kidney stones, infection, poor circulation, trauma, or a number of other causes. Find out, and you'll be able to choose some good remedies.

answered by Dr K B N

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