how to cure swollen gums?

Swollen gums or gingivitis is a condition of abnormal inflammation or enlargement of the gums. Gingivitis or swelling of the gums, even if not gingivitis, is in most cases caused due to poor oral hygiene. The condition occurs as plaque and tartar stick to the teeth and in gaps between the gums allowing for bacterial growth. There could however be many other causes such as a minor hypersensitivity to a particular chewing gum or an allergic reaction to certain foods. Swelling of the gums may also be caused as a reaction to certain prescription medications or simply due to a food particle like a popcorn kernel being lodged in the gums.

If the condition is caused as a result of gum diseases due to oral hygiene the best method to prevent and control such occurrences would be to visit a dentist regularly and practice strict oral and dental care. Dental practices alone are in most cases adequate protection against gum disease and such swelling of the gums. If you are absolutely sure that your dental care practices are adequate and your dental health is good then it would most likely be a reaction. Alcohol and tobacco products or even certain mouthwashes contain ingredients that may act as an irritant to the gums causing such swelling. Refrain from using such products and the swelling will dissipate. Likewise, if it is your toothpaste or mouthwash that is causing the reaction, switch to another brand.

Some other tips that may help would include the following:

  • Swish your mouth twice or thrice a day with warm salt water to cleanse the mouth and reduce the swelling.
  • Make a paste with ginger and salt and apply it gently over the gums. Do this as frequently as possible through the course of the day.
  • A paste made with castor oil and camphor can also serve as an effective remedy against swollen gums.
  • Cloves are also extremely effective and useful for dental hygiene. You can chew on a couple of cloves everyday and even apply clove oil onto the gums.
  • Swishing the mouth with a tincture of myrrh is also said to help cure swelling of the gums.

Swelling of the gums in most cases is a warning sign of gum disease and you therefore need to be very cautious. Very often such symptoms appear only when the disease is advanced and neglecting it can lead to a lot of complications. For this reason it is important that you visit a dentist for a check up even if the pain subsides with natural treatments.

answered by S D

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