How to stop chiggers itch

Those of us who spend a great deal of time in the outdoors would be only to familiar with the annoying chigger bites. Chiggers are more of a nuisance than a cause for any worry. If you spend a lot of time in the summer months trekking and or hiking, or simply gardening in the backyard you could find your skin covered in annoying itchy red bumps, all thanks to chiggers.

Harvest mites or red bugs, better known as chiggers are extremely small and you would need to peer down a microscope or through a magnifying glass to get a glimpse of them. They do not have what we would normally refer to as a "bit" which is why you wont realize you've been around them until 12 hours or even a day later. Chiggers don't bite like other insects, but instead inject a saliva with digestive enzymes into your skin, where they attach themselves. These enzymes are what cause the itchy red rash.

Although chiggers can stay on your skin for days and keep feeding, this is highly unlikely as they are very easily knocked off. A shower or bath after exposure to chiggers would be enough to get rid of them. Scratching at they area also most often dislodges them, but you are advised against scratching as the consequential skin damage can result in a secondary infection that would be a lot more worrying than a chigger bite itself.

There are quite a few natural remedies and treatments to relieve chigger bites. Nail polish seems to be the most widely publicized, but there is no merit to this home remedy other than that it prevents you from scratching the area. It acts more as a reminder against scratching.

  • Bathing is the best treatment to get rid of the mites.
  • Oatmeal baths will help to relieve the itch caused by the enzyme reaction. Calamine lotions are also extremely useful and will sooth the skin.
  • Apply a paste made with baking soda and water to relieve the itching. Elevating the affected areas slightly will help to reduce any swelling if needed.
  • After a bath you could apply castor oil or virgin coconut oil to the inflamed skin to relieve it and promote healing.
  • Baby oils are also extremely gentle and will sooth the skin.
  • Never scratch the area as this will worsen the itching and can even lead to bruising or lesions that may bring on a secondary infection.

answered by S D

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