Home treatment to stop painful itching from a bee sting?

Bee stings can be extremely painful and can cause extreme itching especially in non-allergic people. People with bee sting allergies have severe and even fatal reactions to the venom that the bee injects into the skin when it stings. It would therefore, be better to visit a doctor to ensure that you are not allergic to bee stings. When a bee stings a person the stinger breaks off from its body and lodges within the skin. If the stinger remains within the skin it will cause a more severe reaction.

The first step that you should take to reduce the inflammation and reaction would be to remove the bee stinger. If the top of the stinger is still visible, you can use a pair of tweezers to slowly extract it. If the top of the stinger is buried deeper in the skin, you can apply gentle but continuous pressure to the sides of the inflammation and slowly press the stinger out. Once the stinger is visible, use a pair of needle shaped tweezers to pull it out. After you have removed the sting, wash the area under running water. You can also press the sides of the inflammation so that blood or plasma seeps out. This will help to flush out some of the venom that is already within the punctured skin.  

Bee venom is acidic in nature and so remedies that are basic in nature are used to counteract it and produce a neutral pH level. This reduces or even eliminates the pain and inflammation. Home remedies such as garlic paste or onion juice can be extremely effective when used correctly. The venom is deep within your skin so applying onion or garlic juice to the inflamed area will not really help. However, you can crush a few pods of fresh garlic until you get a thick paste. Apply this paste to the affected area and bandage it securely. This will allow the garlic juice to slowly penetrate the skin and neutralize the venom. It may take up to an hour or more for this method to show effects. Once the venom has been neutralized, the swelling will subside and so will any irritation or itch. You can also use onion juice to treat a bee sting. Blend an onion and strain the juice. Soak a thick cotton pad in this juice and apply it to the affected area. Bandage this in the same way to keep it securely in place. If at any time, you start to feel short of breath or tightness in your chest, go to a nearby hospital. Breathing problems are associated with bee venom allergies and you could be experiencing the first symptoms of a reaction.

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