What to do if you have a toothache

Toothache occurs mainly due to dental decay. It is a common problem which can lead to symptoms that can be very discomforting. Some of the symptoms that you would experience include; tenderness, inflammation and sensitivity of the tooth pulp. You can relieve a toothache with the following home remedies.

  • Take a clove of garlic, add a pinch of rock salt and place on the aching tooth. You can also chew on a clove of garlic every morning.
  • Stimulating a pressure point may help in bringing relief from a toothache. Rub an ice cube in the area between the thumb and index finger. Do this for about five minutes each time.
  • You can get instant relief from an aching tooth by adding a couple of drops of vanilla extract to the affected tooth.
  • Placing a small piece of potato on the tender tooth for about fifteen minutes will also help in alleviating tooth pain.
  • You can even relieve a toothache by placing a warm tea bag against the sore tooth.
  • Wheat grass juice works as an excellent mouthwash for tooth decay. It helps to treat a toothache by drawing out the infection and bacteria.
  • Clove is one of the most popular home remedies for toothache. You can either place a clove against the affected tooth or gently massage clove oil around it. This will help to quickly alleviate the pain. You can also use oil of oregano.
  • To treat bleeding from the gums and tooth pain, add a pinch of pepper to clove oil and apply to the affected tooth.

answered by C B

Garlic is a natural antiseptic and effective for toothache. Our article about natural home remedies for toothache using garlic, cloves will help you more. If your pain still doesn’t go away, consult a dentist.

answered by P P

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