I am almost 52 years old and still havenot gone through menopause, Is this normal and what's the cut off age?

The menopausal process is probably one of the most trying times in a woman’s life. This physiological process is essentially the signal of the end of the woman’s child bearing years and is a natural biological process that is experienced by all women. Most women will experience this change around their mid forties while some may experience it a little later – as far back as their early fifties. During menopause, the ovaries will start to produce lower levels of estrogen and progesterone – which are natural sex hormones. These chemical substances play a significant role in the natural development of a woman’s body and affect many aspects of a woman’s emotional and physical health. If the process were to start occurring after the normal age of late forties, the woman is said to be experiencing a ‘late menopause’. Different women will experience different symptoms when going through menopause and their reactions to external stimulants will also be very varied. Normally, the first symptom that the process of menopause is starting is when the woman starts to experience irregular menstrual periods. This irregularity is usually very apparent with the increased or decreased frequency of blood flow present. The lining of the vagina and urethra will become noticeably drier and thinner while some women may even tend to experience significant scratching and itching – increasing the likelihood of a urinary or vaginal infection.

As mentioned before, menopause will usually happen only when your body is physiologically prepared for it. Do not get emotionally or mentally stressed if you have not gone through it even at the age of 51. Late menopause is not a very rare occurrence and is likely to happen in your case. Due to the instability of the hormone levels in a woman’s body during this process, she can tend to be very moody as well as temperamental. The prominence of the symptoms is also very significantly linked to the stress levels, nutrition quality and amount of exercise that the body is used to.  You are also likely to experience hot flashes, unexplained weight gain, lower sex drive, osteoporosis and facial hair growth in addition to the thinning of hair, a lack of concentration and sleep disturbances. Getting through the entire menopause phase is more or less about balancing your estrogen levels. A higher intake of foods like garlic, green beans, sesame seed and cabbage all help achieve this. The very disturbing hot flashes can also be controlled by the help of drinking 8 glasses of steam distilled water on a daily basis as well as taking 800 mg of evening primrose oil – three times a day.

answered by G M

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