My lower left back hurts me almost every day what could it possibly be?

Lower back pain is also commonly referred to as lumbago. This is not an uncommon phenomenon and affects everyone at some point or the other. Back pain can be anything, from a mild throbbing sensation to an acute excruciating pain. This condition can interfere with one's daily life, making simple activities such as walking and bending difficult. A back pain can be brought about due to several reasons, some of which are; injury, stress and anxiety, genetics, strenuous exercise or activities and so on and so forth. If the pain is severe and lasts for more than a day or two, then consulting a physician would be wise, as this could be the indication of a more serious underlying problem.

Here are a few home remedies for back pain that can help in treating a back pain. One of the oldest and widely use methods of treating back pain is through the application of a warm compress. Dip a towel in a bowl of hot water. Squeeze out the excess water and very gently press the towel against the concerned area. Repeat this procedure several times, till the water cools to room temperature. This treatment for back pain will help in enhancing blood circulation, while also soothing and relaxing the muscles. An alternative to this would be to take a long hot shower. This will also help in relaxing strained and tired muscles. Eucalyptus oil is also considered to be very beneficial for this condition. Massage 3-4 drops of warm eucalyptus oil onto the lower back area, for 10-15 minutes. This remedy for lower back pain should be performed at bedtime. The oil will alleviate the pain and will also help in inducing sleep.

Ginger tea is also great for treating a back ache, as it is known to contain anti-inflammatory substances. Boil 2 cups of water and to this add a tablespoon of finely chopped ginger. Let the two simmer for about 10 minutes on a slow fire. Keep the solution aside to cool, after which strain it into a glass. You may also add a teaspoon of honey to enhance the taste of the tea. A cup of this tea if had daily will help in bidding adieu to a back pain. Similarly tea that has been prepared from chamomile flowers will also help. Add 1½ teaspoon of these flowers to two cups of boiling water. After the mixture has simmered for 5-10 minutes, strain out the liquid into a glass and drink. 2-3 cups of this hot tea should be had daily.

answered by G M

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