Causes and cure for metallic taste in mouth

Metallic taste in the mouth is a condition in which the person feels as though she has something very sour and acidic in her mouth, even when she has not eaten anything. The continuous presence of this bitter feeling inside the mouth is often accompanied by bad breath, which is caused because of the insufficient production of saliva by the glands inside the mouth. Since saliva functions as a natural mouthwash and helps counter bacterial growth in the mouth, it is crucial to oral health. Metallic taste is the mouth is only the symptom for any of the following possible irregularities: lead, mercury or copper poisoning, gastric problems, fluctuation of hormone levels during pregnancy, consumption of prenatal antidepressants and antibiotics, jaundice, gas and acidity, oral infections, tooth decay and lack of oral hygiene. Of course, it is advisable that you consult your physician in order to ascertain which of these several possible causes is responsible for the metallic taste in your mouth.

However, there are few simple measures that you can follow at home in order to counter this problem:

  • If the metallic taste in the mouth is accompanied by foul breath, you can temporarily overcome the problem by consuming strong flavored mints or eating food that has a strong taste.
  • Condiments like cloves and cinnamon can also be eaten raw in very small portions as means of temporary relief.
  • Citrus fruits are natural sources of juices that not only prevent bacterial growth inside the mouth but also help in better digestion of food by stimulating the production of saliva. Lemonade and foods marinated in vinegar are therefore effective means of countering metallic taste in the mouth.
  • Make sure that you wash your mouth properly every time you eat something. Brush your teeth as well as clean your tongue properly after every meal.
  • You could also try putting a pinch of baking soda on your dry toothbrush and then apply toothpaste to it to brush your teeth. Baking soda, being caustic in nature, counters the acrid taste and smell of oral acids and leaves the mouth feeling fresher.
  • You can also add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and use this as a mouthwash for similar results.
  • A teaspoon of salt added to a glass of water can also be used to rinse the mouth in order to get rid of the metallic taste in the mouth.

answered by G R

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