What causes yeast-like symptoms after menses. It lasts for about a 3 days, then proceeds to be normal until after ovulation for a few days and then normal until the next menses. I have been tested for all STDs and have a clean bill of health?

Yeast infection refers to a medical condition caused by the Candida albicans fungus which leads to itching sensation accompanied by burning in and around the vagina, as well as a white vaginal discharge which may or may not be accompanied by a foul fishy odor. The main causes for yeast infection are reduced immunity levels of the body which allow the fungus to thrive in the body, consumption of strong medications of birth control pills, certain medical conditions such as diabetes which interfere with the body’s natural balances or extreme stress. The hormonal changes during menstruation can also lead to yeast infections. If you notice the infection occurring always before or after the menses you should take care to start the treatment a few days before and continue it during the monthly period to prevent and treat the yeast infection.

The best way to treat yeast infections is to consume probiotics, particularly Lactobacillus, which helps to control the growth of candida albicans in the vaginal area. Yoghurt is a rich source of probiotics, so you should consume plenty of fresh yoghurt every day to prevent and treat yeast infection. Another alternative is placing a sanitary napkin which has been dipped in fresh curd for a few hours or overnight. This helps to rectify the imbalance in the vaginal area and treat the infection. You can also dilute tea-tree oil and wipe the vaginal area with it, or put a few drops of tea-tree oil in your tampon or sanitary napkin before putting it in place. The antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of the tea-tree oil help to effectively treat the infection. Boric acid which also has anti-fungal properties can be used to treat yeast infections, but it can cause side-effects and proper care must be taken while following this treatment. The best way to use boric acid to treat yeast infections is to use suppositories of boric acid easily available in most pharmacies. Regular consumption of garlic is also important to treat yeast infections since it hinders the rampant growth of fungus in the body. You should swallow a pearl of garlic every morning if you suffer from chronic yeast infections, and also increase your use of garlic in your food preparations. Apart from all this, you should take some basic precautions such as practicing safe sex, avoiding the use perfumed tampons and sanitary products. As far as possible avoid douching, since that creates an ideal atmosphere for the growth of fungus. It is also important to wear cotton underwear which allows the skin to breathe and avoid tight underwear made with synthetic materials.

answered by M W

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