Is drinking tender coconut juice good or bad for asthma patients?

There is no real reason why tender coconut juice, or any coconut juice for that matter, should be either good or bad for an asthma patient, any more than it is for a normal person. Food triggers for asthma are not common, but if you have some food allergies, consumption of these foods can indeed trigger an asthma attack. However, an allergy to coconut or coconut juice is not very likely - more common allergies are to foods such as milk, nuts, sea food, soy, wheat, and foods containing certain yeasts, such as certain wines and cheeses.

Still, this does not entirely rule out tender coconut juice being an allergen that could trigger an asthma attack. If you have had trouble with it in the past, you should probably get yourself tested by an allergy specialist. In case you do turn out to be allergic to coconut juice, you should avoid consuming it in the future. In fact, if you have asthma and have any reason to suspect that you have any food allergies, you should get yourself tested as it will be beneficial for you to know what these allergies are. Keep an eye out for whether consuming these substances causes any asthmatic symptoms, and if it does, eliminate them from your diet as far as possible. If this turns out to be too difficult or restrictive, you can ask the same allergy specialist about other options. Today it is possible to treat allergies by using a variety of medications, including some that simply block the allergic reaction and others, such as immunotherapy, which gradually improve the patient's tolerance for the allergic substances.

At the same time, there is no reason to suppose that coconut juice helps in managing asthma in any way. An asthma patient's diet does not have much impact on their symptoms and the severity of the condition unless, as mentioned, the patient is allergic to any foods. As far as a positive effect goes, it is thought that marginal improvement can be experienced by increasing one's intake of vitamin B (in all its forms). These can be obtained from foods such as tuna, liver, bananas, lentils, and most green vegetables. Fish in general is also thought to be good due to its content of omega 3 fatty acids. Foods like onions and chilies can also temporary ease the symptoms by dilating the airways and thinning mucus, thus making it easier to breathe.

answered by G M

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