What are the cures and causes for RLS?

Restless Leg Syndrome or RLS, as the name suggests, is a condition that is characterized by a constant urge, or rather a need, to move one's legs. The condition most commonly affects the legs, but it can also affect the other limbs, as well as the torso. The need to constantly move arises from some kind of discomfort that is experienced when the patient is still. As soon as the person stops moving, the unpleasant sensations return, and the person needs to start moving again to get rid of them. Research into the disorder still has a long way to go, but it seems quite clear that in most cases it has something to do with iron deficiency. However, a variety of other conditions and illnesses are also associated with RLS - these range from diabetes to arthritis to thyroid problems. RLS also sometimes occurs during pregnancy, or is worsened by pregnancy. In addition, certain medications, such as antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs, and antihistamines, seem to worsen the symptoms of RLS.

Due to the lack of insight into the causes and nature of RLS, treatment varies from case to case, and usually involves either symptomatic treatment or treatment of the underlying condition that seems to be causing RLS. Home remedies or self medication are not effective, and are not even recommended for RLS. Curing or at least managing RLS requires medical assistance, so you should visit your doctor at the earliest. Your doctor will need to thoroughly explore your medical history and the current state of your health to determine whether you suffer from any other conditions that could be causing or contributing to the RLS. Treatment will depend on the doctor's findings.

There are some measures that you can take to ease your problem, but you should note that these are not cures or remedies - medical treatment is still necessary. First and possibly most important, you should try to be cheerful and in good health. Eat a healthy, balanced, diet, and incorporate some amount of exercise into your daily schedule, even if this is only a half-hour walk. Good physical health will directly decrease your symptoms, and will also make you feel better mentally - stress and depression seem to aggravate the symptoms of RLS. To directly address the discomfort when it occurs, you can try a hot compress or a cold compress, depending on which works for you. In addition, you should avoid substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine as far as possible.

answered by G M

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