I have a throat problem and that causes cough. Is it because of Sinusitis. Please advice me the natural cure for throat and cough?

For undetermined throat problems there can be various possibilities of home remedies and cures that can help. But it is important for you to make sure that you are not suffering from anything serious. The first thing to do is to consult a doctor who will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. Once you know exactly what is wrong with you, it is easier and better to know what methods to use for a cure. Nevertheless, even without a doctor telling you anything, you can use plenty of natural home remedies for coughing to ease your throat. Begin by gargling with salt water to which a pinch of turmeric powder has been added. This will soothe your throat and help with any healing that may be required. Make a spiced herbal tea. Take two cups of water and set it to boil. Add 6 cloves, 6 cardamoms, 6 peppercorns, half a teaspoon of tea leaves and an inch long piece of ginger to it. Boil till it halves to one cup and sip while still hot. This will help you considerably. If you find it too spicy, you can dilute the taste with a tablespoon of honey. This will also make it easier on your tongue and honey has healing properties that will soothe the throat anyway. All the spices will also help to get rid of your cough. If possible, keep a cardamom in your mouth, the juices will flow down to your throat and help to ease your coughing. You can also make it a point to keep sipping on hot water all day. This will help with the coughing. If you can find it, the bark of the licorice tree will also help a lot. This can be chewed by itself or can also be boiled with water and had. You can strain the water before drinking it warm. If you can find licorice drops that do not contain sugar, you should suck on these as well.

Do keep in mind that if all of these remedies do not show any positive results within a week or two, consulting a doctor becomes absolutely mandatory. Since it is an area as sensitive as your throat, it does not make sense to take chances with it in any case. Unexplained throat problems could lead to further severe and dire complications. It is best that you do not take any chances with it.

answered by G M

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