How to treat a broken tooth that's hurting?

Broken tooth can be caused by various factors. Some of the common factors causing broken tooth are accident, tooth decay and gum diseases. At time, improper dietary habits including more of sugars, chocolates, alcohols and soft drinks can also weaken your teeth and cause broken tooth.

Any chip or break in your teeth and reduce the worth of your beautiful smile and look ugly. It also irritates your tongue and makes you feel annoyed. Therefore, it is essential to treat the broken tooth at the earliest.

The best remedy for treating broken tooth is a plain emery board. This board is used to file the cut edge of the broken tooth. You can get this board at many drugstores. Be cautious while filing your tooth; don't break it completely because broken teeth are very weak.

You can even buy Den temp from a local drugstore. This helps in resolving the problem of broken tooth. Den temp is used to make the tooth smooth and protects it from hot and cold objects. This product is essential because the nerve of broken tooth is very sensitive to extreme cold and hot foods.

answered by J

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