What is Blepharitis or eyelid Infection treatment?

Blepharitis is a condition in which the eyelids are inflamed and causes symptoms that are very similar to conjunctivitis or red eye. This condition is irritating and because a part of it is caused by an autoimmune disorder, the condition could be a lifelong affliction. The condition finds a similarity in the common hair condition called dandruff.

There are two types of Blepharitis: anterior and posterior Blepharitis. In anterior Blepharitis, an inflammation occurs on the eyelid at the edge of the lid, near the root of the eyelashes. This is sometimes caused by a bacterial infection of seborrheic dermatitis. In posterior Blepharitis, the inner parts of the eyelids are affected and are caused by sebaceous glands secreting oil. The treatment for the posterior variant of the condition is usually to reduce the production of oil and since this area is in direct contact with the eye, it is best treated by a skilled health care professional. Naturally, you could probably use a weak astringent like potato juice on the eye. Potato juice is obtained by finely dicing a potato, adding some sterile water, and squeezing the juice out of the pieces. This can be added to the eye directly to provide some relief; however, you should consider making some of this mixture in advance and storing it as eye drops in your refrigerator. In the case of anterior Blepharitis, the application of tea tree oil to the region would ensure that any microbial infection is totally dealt with. This is because tea tree oil is one of the most powerful antimicrobial alternative remedies that are available in nature. Tea tree oil is effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi and is one of the most effective topical applications that one can use for the condition. However, care should be taken to ensure that the oil does not come into contact with the eye itself. In addition to these applications, it is also necessary to keep your eye clean. Blepharitis being an inflammation will cause the secretion of mucus so the first step is to clear the area of mucus completely. Any topical application should be done using a cotton swab while the eye is closed and just before going to bed at night, as there should be no issues with blurred vision because of the treatment. During treatment, it is important to maintain good eye care practices like avoiding any kind of pollutant particles from reaching the eye. Cleaning the perimeter of the eye properly is equally important to prevent any bacteria in the nearby area from invading the eyelids.

answered by M W

Blepharitis is the medical name, for the eyelid infection which causes it to get inflamed. The inflammation is similar to an eczema infection and cause the skin on the eyelids to go red, extremely dry and hence scaly and a feeling of heaviness. This becomes worse when the eyelids are exposed to sun. This happens because the tiny glands that are contained in the eyelids are not able to lubricate the eyes and thus leads to the dry and itchy feeling. It is even more apparent in older people as the gland tends to get a little blocked with age.

An effective remedy you can use requires some simple ingredients you can find at home and only requires you to clean your eyelids regularity with it for effective results. Take a little baby shampoo and dilute it in about 500 ml of water. Take a ball of cotton and dip it in the mixture. With the moist cotton ball gently dab the eyelids, make sure to be as careful as possible. This helps in loosening the scaly areas of the skin. First do the lower eyelids and then continue with the upper. After that take some cold water and rinse your eyelids clean. Use this remedy twice a week at least in order to gain effective results.

answered by G M

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