Sty in the eye treatment using natural cures

I am having an eye sty since 2 months and still it is there. It is dry because on one day the puss came. So are there any home remedies to cure it?

The first bit of advice regarding your sty is, don't pinch or scratch the affected eye. Also, don't try to pop the sty. This could cause an infection and create further problems. Instead follow some simple steps to ensure that you sty remain uninfected. A sty is caused by the infection of a hair follicle. And the most effective way to treat this is to use a hot compress. Dip a clean cloth or cotton swab in warm water and apply on the affected eye. Do this in the morning once and then again at bedtime for best results. A wet tea bag is also effective in curing the sty and making it less painful. Lay the wet tea bag on the affected eye and leave it there for at least ten minutes. Castor oil is supposed to be beneficial in treating a sty. You can simply put a drop of castor oil on the affected area. If this is done twice a day it will have a positive effect. You can also use the extract of cayenne on the sty. Use this carefully since it could be painful. Strawberry leaf tea is believed to poses the ability to draw out the sty effectively so you can try that too.

answered by G R

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