How to remove dandruff?

Natural Remedies

Some of the natural remedies for dandruff are treating dandruff with olive oil, treating dandruff with vinegar and also dandruff hair loss home remedies which all have an effective result on getting rid of this problem. Home remedies are a lot more beneficial for hair treatment than medicated ones. Treating dandruff is another hair problem which improves with regular home remedies. Olive oil is known to have properties which are beneficial whether applied topically or taken internally. It is known to be of great help in order to get rid of dandruff. For treatment of hair problems warm olive oil should be massaged into the scalp and left for at least an hour with a warm towel wrapped round the head to encourage the pores to open on the scalp and the oil to get absorbed. Before washing it off rub some lime juice or vinegar on the scalp and wash the hair. If this process is repeated twice a week for a few months the dandruff will get cleared completely. Similar treatment with sesame oil, coconut oil and almond oil will also help.

Grind fenugreek seeds which have been soaked overnight and apply the paste to the scalp. Let this remain on the scalp for an hour and then wash it off with natural products like Sapindus (ritha) or Acacia (shikakai). A combination of curd and lime juice with some ground Indian Gooseberry applied to the scalp and washed off after an hour helps get rid of dandruff and stops hair fall. Apple juice is another beneficial ingredient to get rid of dandruff.

Get Rid of Dandruff

When you want to desperately get rid of dandruff, it is best that you get rid of dandruff naturally. Certain simple changes in the regular routine could do the trick. As dandruff is a flaky residue of dead skin cells which covers the scalp washing it off every day will help reduce it on your scalp. You might have become resistant to the normal anti dandruff shampoo which you have been using for a long time, so change it and get better results. A good way to keep your shampoo working on your scalp is to keep three different kinds of shampoos and use them alternately so that you do not become resistant to them. Instead of washing your hair just once use the shampoo twice and lather it well on your hair before rinsing it off. If you find all these shampoos too strong you could even switch to a baby shampoo to wash your hair everyday.

What are it's Causes

The other name for dandruff is Pityriasis simplex capillitii or scurf and it is a common scalp condition. Since the condition is so very common the need to know what causes dandruff becomes all the more important. The skin cells are in the continuous process of renewing themselves and this happens on the scalp too. In dandruff the skin cells are renewing themselves faster than they are shedding and this causes a deposit of the excess of dead cells on the scalp. Dandruff can also happen with extreme temperatures. In some cases dandruff can cause irritation of the scalp. Conditions that cause flaking like dandruff are psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, Malassezia which is a fungal infection and sometimes this is caused by head lice. For people with a severe dandruff problem there could be a problem socially and they may suffer with low self esteem.

Other causes of dandruff are stress; hormonal imbalance which again is brought on by stress and a dysfunction of the glands; an imbalanced diet; over secretion of natural oils from the scalp; eczema, wrong hair care products which do not suit the person's constitution; HIV/AIDS, people who have suffered a stroke or heart attack and even the climate.


To treat dandruff hair loss causes treating dandruff is essential. It is not really the dandruff which causes the hair to fall out but it is the extreme itchiness which makes the person scratch their head violently and weaken the roots of the hair. Thus dandruff does cause hair loss in a way. Most often dandruff is not by itself a disease but a symptom of some internal disorder. To treat the dandruff the underlying cause has to be treated first. Once this is treated then the dandruff will also stop and so will the hair loss.

Hair Loss

Dandruff hair loss is the same in men as the dandruff hair loss in women. The problem is not related to the scaly stuff collecting on the scalp but to the underlying health problem. In women hair loss is of two kinds one which is temporary and is known as telogen and not a genetic problem, while the other type is a permanent hair loss and is androgenetic alopecia or a genetic problem. Women lose hair because of a growth cycle of hair which is in three stages. On most days a large percentage of the hair is in one of the stages which is the growth stage and this lasts between 2 years to 6 years. After this is the transition stage, and then the shedding stage when hair fall happens. In people who have hair shedding with no hair growing back, baldness occurs and this could happen to both men and women.


Dandruff solutions do not lie only in treating dandruff with apple cider vinegar but in also nourishing the scalp with a proper diet. Essential fatty acids, B complex, zinc and proteins are needed for a healthy scalp and glossy hair. One should include sprouts, pulses, whole grains, cereals and flax seeds along with dairy products and fish to have a well balanced diet. Personal hygiene is as important as a good diet and this is something which should become a way of life. Avoid stress, alcohol, cigarette smoking and too much of caffeine. An exercise regime which improves the circulation helps to keep all the organs functioning well and the skin happens to be our largest organ. Apart from all these health benefits we should also keep our systems well hydrated which means drinking plenty of water. If the scalp is healthy so will the hair be too.

answered by G M

Home treatment

To completely get rid of dandruff, you can begin by adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo and using it as you normally would. This will help to clear up your dandruff within about a week. If this is a chronic problem, you might have to follow a daily procedure of applying warm almond or olive oil to your hair, leaving it on overnight and washing it off the next morning for a couple of weeks. An hour before you wash it off, rub half a lime into your scalp. Once this dries and begins to itch, you know that it is working. Lime is one agent that will loosen and remove dandruff from the roots.

Make a solution of whipped yogurt with a few drops of lime added to it and apply to your hair and scalp, leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash off with your usual shampoo. This will help in getting rid of dandruff and also ensure that it does not return. Soak a few fenugreek seeds in water overnight and apply this water to your scalp the next morning. This should help in clearing up your dandruff quite effectively and will also help you to have healthier hair.

answered by M W

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