How do I use shampoo for tinea versicolor?

Tinea Versicolor using shampoo 

Tinea Versicolor is a fungal infection caused by a kind of fungus that normally lives in all human beings and affects some people by causing small reddish spots to appear on their skin. It is not a very common thing for this ailment to affect your head or scalp. The marks that appear usually will come forward on all parts of your body from the waist up and the head down. It is important to know that this skin condition is harmless and not permanent. Even though the marks may stay on your skin for a while, they will not cause any damage or harm to you, and will always fade away.

One of the best remedies to deal with removing spots caused due to Tinea Versicolor has been found to apply shampoo on the skin and leave it on for about four hours before washing it off. Any shampoo that is selenium sulphide based works in this fashion and will help to remove spots. It is important to remember that this method may itch and cause irritation of the skin wherever you apply it. You should also know that the condition is commonly recurrent. You can also include yogurt in your diet. The live active bacteria in yogurt will help fight the fungus that is the cause of activating the condition.

answered by G R

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