Swollen Saliva Glands Home Remedies: I Often Have Swollen Salivary Glands. What Home Remedies Can I Use?

The salivary glands play an important role in our day to day functioning by keeping the mouth moist and by producing large amounts of saliva when we are eating. You have not described your symptoms very clearly and hence might be suffering from a number of salivary gland disorders such as sialolithiasis or salivary gland stones and sialadenitis which is the bacterial infection of a salivary gland. Salivary gland stones are small calcium-rich stones that form inside the salivary glands. The exact reason why these stones form is unknown, the causes could be related to dehydration and eating lesser than usual. You could also be taking medication that decreases saliva. In some cases, the stones do not cause any pain or swelling. In some other cases, the stone can block the duct of the salivary and hence become painful and swollen because the movement of the saliva is partially or completely blocked. A doctor may be able to press the stone out if the stone is near the end of the duct. For deeper stones, you would require surgery.

Unfortunately, there are no effective home remedies for these disorders. By introducing certain changes in your lifestyle, you can reduce your chances of suffering from swollen salivary glands. You should avoid smoking and ensure that you are eating a healthy diet. You should also try to avoid dehydration and ensure that you drink six to eight glasses of water every day. It is very important that you have good oral hygiene and that you brush and floss your teeth regularly. In young children and unvaccinated adults, swelling of the salivary glands may also be indicative of mumps. Consult your doctor for more information.

answered by G M

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