Natural cure for red eyes

For itchy red eyes try this -

  • Dip a clean cotton cloth in cold water (not ice water) and place it over the eyes. Relax and change the cloth at 10 minutes interval.
  • To avoid itchy feeling, place cold tea bags on the eyes and leave it for 10 minutes. The tannic acid present in tea will help to treat red itchy eyes.
  • Cut thin slices of cucumber or raw potato, place it on the eyes and relax for 30 minutes.
  • Don't strain your eyes by long working hours on computer or by sleeping late and getting up early in the morning. Go early to bed and rise early, have a sound sleep for at least 8 hours. Prefer taking short 5 minutes break ff you indulge in activities where eyes are strained for long hours.
  • Consult a specialist if the problem persists or if the redness is accompanied with infection, swelling or more irritation.

answered by Dr S

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