what is the solution or remedy or any medicine or cream for scars

Scars are formed by fibrous tissue that replaces the normal skin that is damaged due to an injury. The formation of a scar is a part of the natural healing process of the body but the marks can be rather unattractive. Being a natural healing mechanism, scarring takes place when the dermis is damaged due to surgery, burns, accidents or some skin ailments. The severity of the scar depends on the extent of the damage. Scars usually have no sweat glands and hair follicles, thus they always appear different from the rest of the skin. Temporary scarring can also be caused in the case of acne and excessive scratching, especially if the skin is extremely sensitive.

Virgin coconut oil has the ability to heal wounds. When applied to the wound or burn, at regular intervals, coconut oil soothes and quickens the healing process and prevents scarring. Honey has the capacity to heal wounds naturally. Its anti-septic and anti-microbial qualities prevent inflammation and infection that may be caused by various germs. The anti-oxidants present in honey help in the rejuvenation of damaged skin, preventing the formation of an ugly scar. Banana pulp is another effective remedy for healing wounds as it reduces inflammation and soothes the skin. If the area affected is large, it is advisable to apply banana paste and cover the area with some gauze to quicken the healing process. Vitamin E is crucial for healing. Rubbing the affected area with it will prevent scarring or may gradually fade away an existing scar. Almond oil and olive oil are also beneficial as they have properties similar to those of vitamin E. Lemon juice is known for its natural bleaching quality. Applying a liberal layer of lemon juice to the affected area daily (half an hour before a bath) will gradually lead to the disappearance of the scar. Cucumber juice, tomato juice and potato juice also have the ability to lighten scars.

A diet loaded with green leafy vegetables and fruits especially rich in vitamin E and vitamin C will accelerate the healing process with minimal scarring. However, the time taken for removal of the scar may range from a few days to years depending on the depth and nature of the wound. Resorting to scar removal remedies as soon as the injury takes place will ensure a speedy removal or lightening of the scar. Once the scar is formed completely, it is almost impossible to get rid of it.

answered by G M

Scars on the skin can be due to acne, a cut, or an injury. Some scars like acne scars are sometimes easy to treat with home remedies; however some might leave a permanent mark which can be only corrected with the help of a cosmetic surgery.

Try the following home remedies for the scars

  • To lighten the scar apply fresh lemon juice over it and leave it for an hour, it will act as a natural bleaching agent.
  • Lavender oil and tea tree oil also works well to lighten the scars. Massage lavender oil r tea tree oil over the scarred tissue twice daily to lighten it.
  • Smear vitamin E caplets on the scar region or mix it with aloe vera gel and apply on the scar to lighten it.
  • Soak a cotton ball in blanched green tea and apply on the scar region to help heal faster.
  • If your scar is too obvious and deep, use some make up tricks to hide. Before using any medications or creams consult a specialist.

answered by Dr S

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