what to use to get rid od dark color necks?

Dark skin is a problem that plagues numerous people all around the globe. The leading causes for darkening of skin are continuous exposure to the sun’s rays and pollution. stress, unhealthy lifestyles, hormonal changes, illness and medication also contribute to the darkening of skin. If only your neck is darker than your face or the rest of your skin, it could be due to a concentration of melanocytes – the cells which bear melanin, the pigment responsible for giving the skin its original color. A buildup of dead skin cells on the neck could be responsible for its darker hue. Friction caused by clothing or jewelry rubbing against the skin or excessive moisture could also be responsible for the darkening of the neck.

Melanin acts as a natural sunscreen and its production increases when the skin is exposed to sunlight, thus giving the skin a darker tinge. To prevent skin damage due to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, using a sunscreen lotion at all times is recommended. It is also essential to re-apply the lotion after every two hours, as the benefits of the sunscreen start wearing out. However, most people apply sunscreen and other skin care products, only to the face, forgetting that the neck is equally prone to darkening. Lemons are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help in the rejuvenation of the skin. Being a natural bleaching agent, lemon juice, when applied to the affected skin, will lighten the skin tone. Everyday, half an hour before a bath, apply a liberal layer of the juice to the affected skin. This will gradually lighten the skin. If you are unable to bear the tingling sensation left behind by lemon juice, adding a little honey to the juice is recommended. The honey assists in killing unwanted germs that add to skin damage, revealing smooth, glowing skin. The citric acid present in lemon juice will also help in exfoliating dead cells. Powdered, sun-dried orange peels also act as a natural bleaching agent. Applying a paste of powdered peels and milk cream to the skin will reduce the dark hue while the milk cream nourishes the skin. To get rid of a buildup of dead skin cells, apply a face mask comprising milk cream, a pinch of turmeric powder and oatmeal. Turmeric will help in lightening your skin while the oatmeal will absorb excess natural oil from your skin. Rub this mask off after 10-15 minutes; this will help in exfoliating dead skin cells.

answered by G M

Natural Cure for Dark Skin

Dark skin can occur due to many reasons including sunburn, heal disorders and excessive production of melanin. Read on the following home remedies for getting rid of the dark skin:

  • On your face, apply a paste of 1 tsp milk powder, ½ tsp of almond oil, 1 tsp lemon juice and1 tsp honey. Wash your face after 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Place slice of raw potato over the dark areas of the skin. You can even grate raw potato and place it on your face. Let it stay for five minutes and then remove the application. This will improve your skin tone.
  • Combination of limejuice and turmeric powder is an excellent remedy for dark skin. Topical application of this paste will help in providing a bright color and shine to your skin.
  • Topical application of oatmeal and curd is also an effective remedy for curing dark skin.
  • Take a peel of tomato and rub onto your skin. This is a good remedy to have luster and color to your skin.
  • Dried orange peels when rubbed on face and other skin areas can help in getting rid of dark skin.
  • Eating almonds or preparing a paste of crushed almonds can also prove to be beneficial for curing dark skin.
  • A gentle massage with olive oil also works.

answered by J

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