Irregular menstruation remedy

my name is sarah, and i was wondering. i haven't had my period in 2 months and i have done pregent tests and all of them have came up negative.but i still get cramping really bad, but still no period. could u please tell me whats wrong.

Natural Cures

The non-occurrence of menstruation that is either the absence of menarche or the discontinuation of menses is known as amenorrhea. There are different types of amenorrhea and the case that seems to come up here either falls in secondary or erratic (irregular) menstruation. in the former case, secondary amenorrhea is a common occurrence and usually happens due to severe stress, loss or gain of weight, anemia, excessive exercise, stopping the use of contraceptive pills (if taken for a long time) , specific medication that hampers the periodic cycle, ovarian cysts or tumors etc. It would be advisable to check for these causes, as the reasons would first need to be tackled to ensure periodic menstruation.

Simple exercise can help to alleviate the feeling of stress and reasons related to loss or gain of weight. While nutrition would be a factor to look into if anemia is detected. A careful check will indicate any of these factors and when rectified the cycle will resume normally. Once the identifying causes are discovered, it is better to specify the treatment. However some herbal teas are considered safe triggers of menstruation in cases when no factors are attributed to irregular menstruation. Simple infusions made from the herbs of pennyroyal, yarrow and mugwort are especially considered to be highly beneficial.

answered by C B

From what you say, it appears you have a hormonal disturbance of some sort. If irregular periods are accompanied by facial hair growth and weight gain, please consult a gynaecologist to rule out any serious or chronic condition.

There are several natural ways to regularize your periods naturally. To begin with, start taking a Vitamin E supplement at a dose of 200-600 IU daily. Grate and boil some fresh ginger. Add a little sugar to the extract and take it regularly. Chaste tree or Monks's pepper is an oft-used herb for regularizing menstrual cycles. It is available in powdered and capsule form. You can take it in the form of a tea, although it tastes a little unpleasant. Taking evening primrose oil and supplements containing Omega-3 fats will ease cramping. If the cramps are quite severe, try an abdominal heating pad.

Often diet and lack of exercise are the major culprits in amennorhea(absence of periods). Get on a balanced diet containing fresh fruit and vegetables that also eliminates refined foods. Get at least half an hour to forty five minutes of moderate aerobic exercise every day. Starting exercise and losing weight, will often kick start your periods.

If your work or personal life gives you a lot of stress, try deep breathing exercises and meditation early in the morning and before you go to bed. Lifestyle changes take a long while to act but sometimes are the only remedy.

answered by S E

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